Wednesday, September 1, 2010

"If You Got Nine People Tight Over Your Blog, You're Saying Something Right." (Notes From The Author)

Tristan told me if I got nine people tight over my blog, I'm saying the right things. Well Tristan, you were right. Shout outs to you.

Ummm, yea. blog has been causing quite an uproar. Silently. I'm quite surprised actually.

Ha! Lemme stop lying to ya'll. I'm not surprised. At all. I speak on topics that cause arguments. Not on purpose of course. These are just things that spark my interest. For those of you who don't know who I am, lemme tell you the things that I am NOT and we can continue on from there.

I ain't no therapist, and I'm not studying to be a therapist. As flattering as it sounds, don't call me Dr. Phil. I'm not an expert, I just write off my experiences and the experience of others. And no, I'm not some bitter single female trying to break up relationships. I don't do mass surveys, I'm not some lonely housewife, some girl at home bored and in need of attention, and I DONT know everything.

What I am,

A 21 year-old female who has years of experience in relationships. I also so happen to be that person that other people confide in about their problems (they could be male or female) and what I do is take my experiences and evaluate their experiences, put them together and then I convey a THEORY. And please, I speak to a lot of people. So don't read my blog and assume that it's in reference to you. As a matter of fact, lemme just say this one time...

I write for many reasons. I choose to share my thoughts with the public because I feel a few of you guys might learn something from what I write, gain a better understanding of a situation that may be similar to what i discuss, or just need to feel like "you ain't tripping" and that there are other people in the world who think just like you.

My words aren't gold. But I'm definitely bankable. I don't say it if I can't prove it. More than likely I've been-there-done-that or I know someone who's been there and done that.

I don't write my blogs for validation. You don't have to like what I write. Or agree with it. Or approve. These are my opinions, ideas, theories, and thoughts. If you are a frequent reader you already know this:

I curse in my blogs. Its my blog. And I will express myself however I want to. I can say fuck, bitch, shit, and dick because its MY BLOG. Its just my RAW way of saying how I feel. And besides, doesn't curse words make the read a little more...interesting? ;)

My blogs are general. Don't you think for one second that I sit at my MacBook and think about a certain person in my life and I decide to write a blog based on them. Because I don't have time for it. So relax. I like to believe that my blogs can relate to anyone, anybody, female or male, black or white.... Its a blog for everyone.

I don't purposely mean to be offensive. I just speak what a lot of people don't. Or I speak for those who don't know how to effectively say what they feel. I write for the hell of it. I have something to say, people need something to read. And thats just pretty much it. Im uncut and uncensored because... thats how life is. However, I often bite my tongue and maybe speak 15 percent of what I actually think. So my blog is the vault to my true feelings about certain subjects.


If you read my blogs...
And you feel like your that homewrecking ass dude/chick...
Your that cheating partner...
You're that nice guy that everybody looks over...
You're that dumb bitch that puts her triflan man before her girls...
You're that person who be snooping thru their partners phone...
If you feel like my blogs apply to you, maybe its time you get your shit together and change all the things that are wrong in your life. Don't read my blogs for answers. Because you wont find them here.
And again, its ok to to not agree with me, and if you don't read my blog after this posting thats ok too. But I'ma still talk my shit. :).

For those of you who read my blogs, enjoy it, relate to it, and don't take the shit I say personal, I appreciate you for appreciating me.

"Take it how you want. A close mouth don't get fed."--- Jay-Z


  1. I see you finally famous in this bitch,
    Ya done know me afi promote these blogs... Preach On SiStar

  2. Whoever is tight tell them....FEKEP!
