Friday, September 10, 2010

Is Age Really Nothing But A Number? (A Double Standard Concept)

This is a phrase I often like to quote but is age really nothing but a number???

In some situations, yes. Age is just a numeric symbol. Other times, age can really say alot. And I know its not just me. Its society as well. Lets look at some examples:

Be honest. When you see an older woman and a younger guy, we tend to find that pretty weird. But if you see a grown as man with a girl so young she can be his daughter, we think nothing of it. I thought age didnt matter tho???

You a young adult lets say...23 and your superiors are 19 and 20 years old... Wouldnt you feel a way?

Your high school teacher is about 5 years older than you. Are you really looking at them as an authority figure?

Shit, if your moms had you at 12, dont frown, ya know there is 12 year-old moms out there, would you guys really have that parent/child relationship?

Point being, age is definitely a factor in life. Maybe not in all lifes situations, but somewhere, somehow, it certainly has definition. It can determine the level of respect given, the amount of attention you receive, and the relationships you carry. You can date a man that is older than you by some years and you can almost bet that he will kinda treat you like his daughter. If your supervisor is damn near the same age as you, your not going to respect their authority as much as you would to a supervisor who's more older. Your 17 in highshool and your teacher is 23 (lets say the student is a boy and the teacher is an attractive woman) you are gonna to try to get an A+ in Sex Ed ;).

Age does not determine maturity, experience, intelligience, or talent what so ever.

You can be 25 years old and have the roughest life and have been through so much and have gained much experience. You can be 16 and more maturer than a 22 year-old. You can be a fifth grader and smarter than the average adult. You can be 11 years- old and spit 25 bars and they can be the best 25 bars a person has ever heard, better than the so-called rappers that are famous today.

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